

Scaler implicature 「梯級隱涵」

Griceのquantity maximから発展した

① Be listed from the highest to the lowest value.

② When any form in a scale is asserted,

   the negative of all forms higher on the scale is implicated.

③ There are many scalar implicatures produced by the use of expressions that

    we may not immediately consider to be part of any scale.

④ Cancellabilty


Particularized conversational implicature



 Rick: Hey, coming to the wild party tonight?

 Tom: My parents are visiting.

 → 違反relevance

       Implicature: consequently +> Tom not at party

 Ann: Where are you going with the dog?

  Sam: To the V-E-T.

  → 違反manner

      Implicature: He don't want the dog to know the answer to the question just said.

 Leila: Whoa! Has your boss gone crazy?

 Mary: Let's go get some coffee.

 → 違反relevance

      Implicature: The boss may be nearby.


Properties of conversational implicature

① Be calculated

   You have won five dollars! (+>ONLY five)

② Be suspended

   You've won AT LEAST five dollars!

③ Be cancelled

   You've won five dollars, in fact, you've won ten!

④ Be reinforced

   You've won five dollars, that's four more than one!


Conventional implicatures



『But』   → be contrasted

『Even』   → contrary to expectation

『Yet』      → be expected to be different or opposite, at a later time.

                  NOT P is ture +> P expected to be ture later.

『And』     → P plus Q (can be reversed with little difference in meaning.)

              → Q after P (there is a big change in meaning if they are reversed.)



    創作者 morinatsumi 的頭像


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